South America is famous for is range of diverse cultures, and Ecuador is one of its more extraordinary ones. Located on the west coast of the continent, between Columbia and Peru, Ecuador, the second smallest country in the region, has a large mixture of modern cities, beautiful landscapes and traditional ways of life; a large amount packed into its tiny space.
Within the many cities you can experience normal day to day life, mixed with the historical past of the country. Both the capital Quito in the centre and Cuenca in the south are recognised as World Heritage Sites with an assorted mix of modern living within unchanged, historical buildings, whilst cities like Loja and Guayaquil embrace the modern, western way of life, making travellers feel very much at home.
However, once you get out of the cities, you begin to experience what Ecuador is really famous for; its breathless scenery. For the more adventurous travellers, the country is home to many remarkable but challenging mountains, including the two closest places on earth to the sun, Mount Chimborazo and Mount Cotopaxi. For the less experienced climber there are also many lower, easier mountains, like RumiƱahui or Pasochoa, which offer a gentile trek and amazing views throughout, whilst some offer the opportunity to go in search of rare, exotic animals.
If mountain climbing is not your cup of tea, you can also visit many of the small cities located within the Amazon basin, from which you can trek through the country’s vast amount of rainforest, experiencing the many local tribes traditional way of life. If you fancy a more leisurely trip, there are many historical locations for tourists to marvel at, from the Mitad Del Mundo monument, the middle of the world to you and I, located slightly north of the capital to Ingapirca, the largest Inca ruins in Ecuador, situated in the south. Wherever you travel within Ecuador you will come across something that will leave you amazed.
The country is also home to some of the world’s most amazing but unique creatures, most of which can only be found within Ecuador. One key location is the world famous Galapagos Islands, located off the western shore of the country. Here you can marvel at the many rare but unique animals that will wander pass you without fear. It is defiantly one place that will leave you speechless. However, if you are travelling on a budget, you can always visit the Isla de la Plata dubbed the Poor Man’s Galapagos Island, home to many of the animals located on the Galapagos Islands, just slightly closer to the coast.
Ecuador is one place that needs to be visited to be believed and with the many different places you can visit, you can change where you are quick enough to suit you moods.