Wednesday, 12 October 2011

I love walking down Hungerford Bridge watching people's attempts to get the best photo of this view. You have the quick, not going to stop walking, shot; the meticulously planned shot; the solo shot; the group shot; the romantic couple shot; the cute family shot; the daring, sat on barrier, close to falling in shot. The list goes on. Today I was faced with the standard tour group shot as I attempted to navigate my way through the tourists; a large group of, I would say Spanish, school kids had overtaken the bridge, and the kindness of a passing stranger, to get their desired group shot, which will, without a doubt, be on their Facebook pages and school website hours after they return home. The joy of being in an unknown city, with some of their best friends, having the time of their life was extremely obviously. Must admit it also made me slightly jealous. Gone are the days when I could partake in exciting school trips. I now must forge my own travel plans, without the large group of friends to accompany me. Also makes me wish to be a new visitor to London again, experiencing the beauty and wonder that the British Capital has to offer. The city I love has, unfortunately, lost some of its magic over the years. To me, it's just London, the city near where I live. Nothing else.